Friday, October 24, 2008

It's HOLIDAZE Time Again!!

Who: You and Everyone You Know
When: Sat. Nov 8th, 10a.m. to 4p.m
Where: Cross Timbers Argyle (1119 S. Hwy 377, Argyle, 76226)
What: A Huge Market for Crafts and Gifts

Do you like to scurry around town shopping at seventeen different stores to buy for everyone on your Christmas list? Maybe you would prefer our one-stop-shopping event,

You will find unique gifts and crafts as well as a festive atmosphere.

And... if you volunteer for a two hour shift your name will go into a drawing for a mani/pedi. It doesn't get better than that ladies. Unless your middle toenail fell off last month from rubbing wrong on your running shoe in which case your feet should not see the light of day until next summer. You know who you are.

Ahem... if you plan to help out you can contact the lovely Jessica Rolf at

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Remembering Seth

We were so blessed to be a part of a beautiful life. Marci wrote a tribute to the Sturman's on her blog. It is uplifting and insightful. Click here to read it.