Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ripple Effects

Today I made our second grocery store trip of the pay period. Its the trip I detest because we are already out of everything, but can only buy the essentials without busting up our budget. I felt Dave Ramsey perched on my shoulder like Blackbeard's parrot eyeing my every selection. "Cubed cheese?," he chided. "CUBED CHEESE? Buy the 8 oz chunk and hack it up yourself, you lazy over-spender!" He carried on like this the whole time... it was terribly exhausting.

At the register I loaded up our stuff on the conveyor belt, keeping an item or two aside for emergency re-shelving in case I underestimated the total. A friend of mine got in line behind me and we chatted for a minute while we waited, though I was distracted by the increasing total on the register. When the checker finished I went for the scanner with my trusty debit card. Suddenly, I heard a "Wait, Don't run that!" from my friend. I looked up thinking I was mistakenly overcharged or something, but instead she gave the checker her card.

Girls, she bought my groceries. All of them.

"You don't have to do that!" I said, but I could see by her smile that it was a pleasure. I couldn't help it. I started crying right there in line at Super Target. THEN, the cashier started crying. I mean really, who goes to Super Target to be nice? I thanked my friend profusely and got all of our stuff in the car.

I was so stinkin' blessed, I had to call a few friends and tell them. Since I am usually complaining after I go to Super Target, it was a refreshing break for them. I dialed and talked all the way home. Here is the cool part: Everyone I told was inspired to do the same thing for someone else. I am getting chills just writing about it.

So, today, because of the overflow of love in one woman's heart, the ripple effects of blessing are as follows*:
My boys
My mom
My Sister
4 different friends (so far)
Unknown number of people who will soon be similarly blessed by those named above

And of course... you.

That is a huge return for a simple act of generosity. So, what could you do with $93.86?

*I had to add a few new people to the list since the original posting on Tales From the Running Mama. I can't keep it in. Whoop whoop!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Denton GROW Groups

Hello Ladies! I wanted to add the Denton Campus class choices for the fall Bible Studies. See below. (Tuesday is purple, Thursday is green, and Sunday is orange.) Argyle, your studies are listed in the previous post or on the link at right. ;-)

Please Note: On line sign-ups are not available yet for any campus on the CT Website. As soon as they are I will link it directly from here. Until then, you can look at the offerings and think about what you want to choose.

Beginning Tuesday, September 16
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Women of Faith Study Guide "Understanding Purpose" by Carolyn Curtis James
Child care provided with registration (which will be up soon)

Beginning Thursday, September 18
10 a.m.-Noon
"Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver
Child care provided with registration (which will be up soon)

Beginning Sunday, September 21
6:30-8:30 p.m.
"The God Empowered Wife" by K.B. Haught

Love you all!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Unveiling: The New Bible Study Class Line-Up!!!!

Well ladies, summer is finally coming to a close. The recent rain makes it tempting to pack up your flip flops and tankinis for good, but we all know this is just a little trick of weather. In a day or two, we will swelter again in our Old Navy shorts and try not to keep the newly hatched mosquito babies fed.

If that doesn't cheer you up, try this: Our Fall classes are decided!!!

Breeze through the list below and shop for your perfect Bible Study home. Wednesdays are purple, Fridays are green, and Saturdays are orange.

New this session: a Friday and Saturday morning option, and 9:30 start time for Wednesday mornings.

Drum Roll.... DadadadadadadadadaCrash!

Beginning September 17th
Childcare Provided

"He Speaks to Me"
Priscilla Shirer
Led by Brandy Ziegler

Description: Based on 1 Samuel 3, we will learn six characteristics found in Samuel applicable to women today as we tune our hearts to hear God's voice. These characteristics are: A Simple Relationship, A Set Apart Holiness, A Still Attentiveness, A Single-Minded Worship, A Sold Out Hunger, and A Servant's Spirit. By listening to God's voice and obeying Him, we will draw into a closer relationship to God that brings a deeper desire to serve Him faithfully.

"BEHIND CLOSED DOORS~ Finding Intimacy with your Husband"
Led by Robbie Page

Description: Discovering truths that will lead you to discover the freedom, holiness, and beauty of sex in marriage and why it all begins with a servant's heart. When honestly see the differences between men and women, we find ways to bridge the gap with the honor, intimacy and security that great sex, and a great marriage, needs to flourish.

Little House on the Freeway~Help for the Hurried Home
By Tim Kimmel
Led by Jamie Hackney

Description: Has your cozy little house on the prairie become a harried house on the highway? Discover God's plan for rest and peace with your family, work and relationships. This study details seven marks of the harried family, and shows you how to change your thinking so you can slow down to God's grace.

Women of the Bible
By Ann Spangler & Jean Syswerda
Led by Kelly Snyder

Description: Undaunted by the passage of time, their lives impact ours and generations to come. Women are called to fill a multiple of earthly roles. Our successes and failures stem from the flow of our personal relationship with the Lord. Join us as we learn to nurture and grow our intimate relationships with the Lord through the legacy of these women. When we know our savior and have a real, growing relationship with HIM,we are set free to be the best daughters, friends, wives, and moms. . . the best women we can be!

Beginning September 17th (Meeting every OTHER week)
Childcare Provided

"Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed-A study of David"
By Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, Kay Arthur
Led by Liz Hogan and Wendee Long

Description: This class is the audio and video portions of the Deeper Still conference featuring Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur. You'll laugh with them, cry with them, and learn to love God with them. Each segment focuses on the life of David at different stages: a young man (by Priscilla Shirer), a middle-aged man (by Beth Moore), and an older man (by Kay Arthur).

Starting September 19th
8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Childcare Provided

"Heart Check"--The Life of a Wife
Led by Carla Shellis

Description: It's time to stop dreaming and discover the power you have to experience God's best for your marriage! Discover what God placed within how it can transform your marriage, your family and YOU!

Starting September 20th
No Childcare Provided

Battlefield of the Mind
By Joyce Meyer
Led by Kristi Thomas

Description: This class will take a deep look at how we think and how our thoughts affect everything we do. Learn to identify where Satan has taken over your thoughts and give them back to Christ. This is an intense, but extremely beneficial, class to help you release Satan's strong holds and reach for ALL of the promises of our Creator and Lord.